domingo, 19 de julho de 2015


A festança aconteceu no dia 17/07/2015 de 9:00 ás 17:00 horas. O tema deste ano foi "LUIZ GONZAGA E DOMINGUINHOS", representando o sertão nordestino.  Muita música e diversão marcaram o evento. Parabéns a toda equipe da escola Ana Guedes que trabalhou na concretização deste evento!
Confira as fotos dos preparativos:

Confira as fotos:

Um comentário:

  1. Did you know there's a 12 word phrase you can say to your partner... that will induce deep emotions of love and instinctual attraction for you buried inside his heart?

    Because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, treasure and protect you with all his heart...

    12 Words Will Trigger A Man's Desire Instinct

    This impulse is so hardwired into a man's genetics that it will drive him to try better than before to make your relationship as strong as it can be.

    Matter-of-fact, fueling this all-powerful impulse is absolutely important to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the second you send your man a "Secret Signal"...

    ...You'll immediately find him expose his heart and mind to you in a way he haven't expressed before and he will recognize you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly attracted him.
